
The Twilight Years Are Here

The Twilight Years Are Here

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Remote Control and The Card

May 10, 2010

Yesterday was... interesting. Dad realized the remote control for his TV was missing and began tearing things up looking for it. As they day wore on, he began to get more agitated about it. He insisted he didn't want to accuse anybody of stealing it, but...
Over the course of several hours, everybody searched the house for it. Dad was convinced one of the boys had laid it down somewhere. I, myself, knew Dad had hidden it somewhere long before the boys got home from school. I searched every hiding place of dad's that I currently know about with no luck.
At some point after dinner, I had a thought. I ran upstairs to Dad's room and began searching through the bedding again. It suddenly occurred to me that when I had quickly looked there earlier, I hadn't really moved the bedding. When I lifted Dad's pillows... there it was!!! Tucked away safely, in a place no one but him could have put it was the missing remote.
I snatched it up and headed down the hall yelling, "Dad, I'm going to strangle you!"
I walked across the room. "Dad, you owe the boys an apology," I said as I handed it to him.
He shook his head, "Where was it?"
"Under your pillow."
"I'm not apologizing," He shook his head again. "Next time it might really be them."
He held out his arms si I bent down to receive his hug. "Thank you, Sweetheart. I'm sorry I make mistakes. I wonder how it got under there?"

Another thing that happened yesterday was a surprise for me. Jeremy, Susan and I were all outside watching the kids play when a delivery van pulled into the driveway. The lady gets out and takes a beautiful basket of flowers out of the back. She asks for me. I accept them and remove the card. They are from my friend, Amy. The card reads, "Hope these cheer you up... You've been through so much lately...Know that you are loved by so many:)Have a great day!! Amy.
I was blown away. What a thoughtful and sweet thing to do. Not to mention, I think the last time flowers were delivered to me I had just had a baby (LOL)! It is a random act of kindness that touched me deeply. I carried them up to show Dad. We discussed how lovely they were and then how much Mom had loved having fresh flowers in the house. I put them on the coffee table where Dad could see them from his chair. I put the card in my pocket as I went back outside to check on the kids.

When I went back inside to check on Dad, I stopped to smell my flowers. I burst out laughing when I noticed there was once again a card in the holder... and it was addressed to Dad. The whole family got a kick out of it. And when Dad was certain everybody had seen it, he removed the card.

This morning, he noticed the card lying on the table next to the flowers. He picked it up and read it before announcing he had found a sympathy card he hadn't seen before now.

May 11, 2010

Today, Dad got fixated on his impending appointment with his attorney. He pulled out his will and power of attorney and every other paper he could think of that the lawyer might need. He demanded Richard take him to the bank so he could get the Deed to the house out (the lawyer actually does need that). Then he spent the entire afternoon and evening shuffling the papers all over his desk. I can't remember the last time anything has held his attention that long.
He would pull all the documents out, one by one, and read them. Then he would straighten them up, put them back in their portfolio and zip it closed. He would slip it into the desk drawer. Within minutes he would pull it back out and start over again. Or, he would arrange them (with a method known only to him) all over the desk top only to pick them up and do it again.
When he went to bed tonight, he made Richard promise not to touch them. He wants to get them ready in the morning. Meanwhile, it is all strewn over his desktop and the drawers are standing wide open. I hope he remembers making the mess in the morning. Otherwise, he will accuse somebody of snooping and tomorrow culd get pretty rough. Oh well, we will see...

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